Uses of Class

Packages that use VNSEthernetPacket
net.clackrouter.component.extension More advanced router components that are not central to the operation of a router. 
net.clackrouter.jpcap Largely unchanged JPcap classes incorporated into Clack. 
net.clackrouter.packets Clack representations of packet data for a variety of core Internet protocols. 
net.clackrouter.router.core Core router class responsible for creating, configuring, running and serializing Clack routers. 
net.clackrouter.test Examples of both static and dynamic checks that can be used to validate router correctness and diagnose problems. 

Uses of VNSEthernetPacket in net.clackrouter.component.extension

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.extension that return VNSEthernetPacket
 VNSEthernetPacket Capture.encapPacket(VNSPacket packet)
          Encapusulates a VNSPacket with fake header layers so that TCPDump can make sense of it.

Uses of VNSEthernetPacket in net.clackrouter.jpcap

Methods in net.clackrouter.jpcap with parameters of type VNSEthernetPacket
static void TcpdumpWriter.appendVNSEthernetPacket(java.lang.String filename, VNSEthernetPacket ethPacket)

Uses of VNSEthernetPacket in net.clackrouter.packets

Methods in net.clackrouter.packets that return VNSEthernetPacket
static VNSEthernetPacket VNSEthernetPacket.wrap(VNSPacket packet, java.nio.ByteBuffer dstAddr, java.nio.ByteBuffer srcAddr, java.nio.ByteBuffer type)
          Constructs an Ethernet packet from its individual fields.

Uses of VNSEthernetPacket in net.clackrouter.router.core

Methods in net.clackrouter.router.core with parameters of type VNSEthernetPacket
 void Router.sendOutgoingPacket(VNSEthernetPacket packet)
          Method used by InterfaceOut components to send packets to VNS .

Uses of VNSEthernetPacket in net.clackrouter.test

Methods in net.clackrouter.test with parameters of type VNSEthernetPacket
 void ClackRouterTest.processPacket(VNSEthernetPacket packet)