Uses of Class

Packages that use VNSPacket
net.clackrouter.component.base Provides the base objects for supporting components within a Clack Router. 
net.clackrouter.component.extension More advanced router components that are not central to the operation of a router. 
net.clackrouter.component.simplerouter Provides core component classes central to the operation of a simple router. 
net.clackrouter.component.tcp A decomposed implementation of a simplified TCP stack. 
net.clackrouter.ethereal Contains core classes for Clack's Ethereal-like packet analyzer. 
net.clackrouter.netutils Simple network utility classes used by a Clack Router. 
net.clackrouter.packets Clack representations of packet data for a variety of core Internet protocols. 
net.clackrouter.protocol.commands Representations for the different types of commands sent between a client and the VNS server. 
net.clackrouter.router.core Core router class responsible for creating, configuring, running and serializing Clack routers. 
net.clackrouter.topology.core Core classes for parsing topology information from VNS and loading a Clack topology configuration from file. 

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.chart

Methods in net.clackrouter.chart with parameters of type VNSPacket
static java.lang.String ChartUtils.getFlowKeyForPacket(VNSPacket p)
          Finds the ClackOccData object that corresponds to the flow for this particular packet.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.component.base

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.base that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket ClackPort.acceptPullRequest()
          Called by a connected port that is trying to pull a packet from this port.
 VNSPacket Queue.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Removes a packet from the head of the queue, if possible, and returns it.
 VNSPacket ClackComponent.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Called when a neighboring component wishes to "pull" a packet from this component.
 VNSPacket ClackPort.pullIn()
          Called by the parent component when it wants to try and pull a packet in through this port.

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.base with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void Queue.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Enqueues a packet at the tail of the queue, if possible, or drops it if it is already at max occupancy.
 void ClackComponent.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          The starting point for packet-processing when packets are "pushed" to this component.
 void ClackPort.acceptPushRequest(VNSPacket packet)
          Called by a connected port that is pushing a packet to us.
 void ClackPort.pushOut(VNSPacket packet)
          Called by the parent component when it wants to send (push) a packet out this port.
protected  void ClackComponent.sendOutPort(VNSPacket p, int port_num)
          Conveniance method to push a packet out a particular port

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.component.ethernet

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.ethernet with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void EtherSwitch.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Enqueues a packet at the tail of the queue, if possible, or drops it if it is already at max occupancy.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.component.extension

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.extension that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket Throttle.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Does not buffer components on its own, but rather performs a simple calculation to decide when to pass on the pull request on its output port on to the component connected to its input port.
 VNSPacket REDQueue.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Removes a packet from the RED queue and recalculates the avg len
 VNSPacket FlowByteQueue.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Pull a packet from the head of the queue
 VNSPacket Delay.handlePullRequest(int port_number)

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.extension with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void UDP.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void Tee.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void TCPSeqMon.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void TCPMonitor.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Extracts TCP packets from the IP that is being passed through the component and analyzes them.
 void SIPRedirector.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void REDQueue.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Receives a packet and sees if RED will drop or enqueue
 void NAPT.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void Loss.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Randomly test to see if the packet should be dropped, otherwise forward it unmodified
 void FlowByteQueue.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Add packet to the queue if the additional bytes can be stored without exceeding max size, otherwise drop.
 void DNSHijacker.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Extract the packet and see if its UDP, and then DNS.
 void Counter.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void Classifier.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void Capture.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
           Looks at all packets sent through the component, and keeps a copy of the packet if it is supposed to be capturing the packet, then passes the packet on.
 VNSEthernetPacket Capture.encapPacket(VNSPacket packet)
          Encapusulates a VNSPacket with fake header layers so that TCPDump can make sense of it.
 boolean Classifier.QuickMatch.match(VNSPacket packet)
 boolean Classifier.PatternMatcher.matches(VNSPacket in)
protected  void FlowByteQueue.packet_added(VNSPacket p, boolean is_drop)
          updates graph and GUI queue when packet has been added to the queue
protected  void FlowByteQueue.packet_removed(VNSPacket p)
          updates graph and GUI queue when packet has been removed from the queue

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.component.simplerouter

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.simplerouter that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket ByteQueue.handlePullRequest(int port_number)
          Pull a packet from the head of the queue

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.simplerouter with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void Level3Demux.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void Level2Demux.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void IPTTLDec.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void IPStrip.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Dummy method right now, simply passes the packet on to the output port with no modification.
 void IPRouteLookup.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Accept IP packet and either forward, drop, or pass on for local processing.
 void IPHeaderCheck.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void IPEncap.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void InterfaceIn.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Not a valid method for InterfaceIn, which intead communicates directly with the router
 void ICMPTTLExpired.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Accepts an expired IP packet and generates an ICMP TTL-Exceeded message with the IP packet as data.
 void ICMPPortUnreach.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Accepts IP packets that were received by the local TCP or UDP stacks and that do not have any receiving socket bound on that port.
 void ICMPEcho.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Processing Echo request and replies to the source address with an Echo Reply packet.
 void ICMPDemux.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Checks the TYPE field in the ICMP header and sends the packet to the corrresponding port.
 void EtherStrip.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Removes the Ethernet header, and stores the input interface using the
 void EtherEncap.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Encapsulate a higher-level packet in Ethernet.
 void ByteQueue.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Add packet to the queue if the additional bytes can be stored without exceeding max size, otherwise drop.
 void ARPRespond.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Assures the packet is a valid request, then if the IP matches the address of the interface the ARP request was received on, we send a reply.
 void ARPLookup.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Handles both incoming ARP Replies and Outgoing IP packets needing an destination Ethernet address
 void ARPDemux.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
          Accepts packets that are either ARP requests or ARP replies, and sends them to different output ports.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.component.tcp

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.tcp that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket SockBuffer.handlePullRequest(int port_num)

Methods in net.clackrouter.component.tcp with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void ValidateChecksum.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void TCP.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
          Strips the IP header and handles the packet for one of the following three cases: If the port is a simple client-end of a connection, it hands the packet to this TCB.
 void TCB.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void SockBuffer.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void SetChecksum.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void Retransmitter.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
          Depending on the input port, either removes acknowledged data from its retransmission list, or stores a packet in the retrans list.
 void ReceiveWindowCheck.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void ProcessSegment.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void ProcessAck.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)
 void OrderPackets.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_num)

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.ethereal

Methods in net.clackrouter.ethereal with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void Ethereal.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)
 void EtherealTableModel.addPacket(VNSPacket packet, long cur_time)
 void Ethereal.addPacket(VNSPacket packet, java.lang.String iface_name)
 void EtherealTableModel.addPacket(VNSPacket packet, java.lang.String iface_name, long cur_time)
          This will take in any generic VNSPacket and cast it to the proper packet and call makeStringArray on it

Constructors in net.clackrouter.ethereal with parameters of type VNSPacket
EtherealPacket(VNSPacket p, java.lang.String ifacename, long curTime)

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.example

Methods in net.clackrouter.example that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket SourceTracker1.handlePullRequest(int port_number)

Methods in net.clackrouter.example with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void EvenOdd.acceptPacket(VNSPacket packet, int port_number)

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.netutils

Methods in net.clackrouter.netutils that return VNSPacket
static VNSPacket ExtractEncapUtils.extractToLayer2(VNSPacket p)
          Takes any packet that is Layer2 or below, and returns a Layer2 packet.
static VNSPacket ExtractEncapUtils.extractToLayer3(VNSPacket p)
          Takes any packet that is Layer3 or below, and returns a Layer3 packet.

Methods in net.clackrouter.netutils with parameters of type VNSPacket
static VNSPacket ExtractEncapUtils.extractToLayer2(VNSPacket p)
          Takes any packet that is Layer2 or below, and returns a Layer2 packet.
static VNSPacket ExtractEncapUtils.extractToLayer3(VNSPacket p)
          Takes any packet that is Layer3 or below, and returns a Layer3 packet.
static FilterEntry.PacketInfo FilterEntry.getPacketInfo(VNSPacket p)

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.packets

Subclasses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.packets
 class DNSPacket
          Represents a Domain Name System (DNS) packet.
 class IPPacket
          Encapsulates an Internet Protocol packet.
 class LinkStatePacket
          Packet type for a simple link-state routing protocol.
 class RIPRoutingUpdate
          This is the packet type for a simple distance-vector protocol.
 class SSHPacket
 class VNSARPPacket
          Encapsulates Address Resolution Protocol packet.
 class VNSEthernetPacket
          Encapsulates an Ethernet frame.
 class VNSICMPPacket
          Encapsulates Internet Control Message Protocol packet.
 class VNSTCPPacket
          Represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Packet.
 class VNSUDPPacket
          A User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Packet.

Fields in net.clackrouter.packets declared as VNSPacket
protected  VNSPacket VNSPacketDepartureEvent.m_packet
protected  VNSPacket VNSPacketArrivalEvent.m_packet
protected  VNSPacket VNSPacket.mParentHeader

Methods in net.clackrouter.packets that return VNSPacket
 VNSPacket VNSPacketDepartureEvent.getPacket()
          Returns the packet associated with the event.
 VNSPacket VNSPacketArrivalEvent.getPacket()
          Returns the packet object associated with the event.
 VNSPacket VNSPacket.getParentHeader()
 VNSPacket VNSEthernetPacket.getPayload()
 VNSPacket IPPacket.getPayload()

Methods in net.clackrouter.packets with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void VNSPacket.setParentHeader(VNSPacket parent)
static VNSEthernetPacket VNSEthernetPacket.wrap(VNSPacket packet, java.nio.ByteBuffer dstAddr, java.nio.ByteBuffer srcAddr, java.nio.ByteBuffer type)
          Constructs an Ethernet packet from its individual fields.
static IPPacket IPPacket.wrap(VNSPacket packet, byte protocol, java.nio.ByteBuffer srcAddr, java.nio.ByteBuffer dstAddr)
          Creates an IP packet by using the supplied packet as a payload.
static IPPacket IPPacket.wrap(VNSPacket packet, byte protocol, srcAddr, destAddr)

Constructors in net.clackrouter.packets with parameters of type VNSPacket
VNSPacketArrivalEvent(java.lang.Object source, VNSPacket packet)
          Constructs communcation object event.
VNSPacketDepartureEvent(java.lang.Object source, VNSPacket packet)
          Constructs communcation object event.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.protocol.commands

Constructors in net.clackrouter.protocol.commands with parameters of type VNSPacket
VNSPacketProtocolCommand(VNSPacket packet)
          Constructor for sending packets.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.router.core

Methods in net.clackrouter.router.core with parameters of type VNSPacket
 void Router.handlePacket(VNSPacket packet)
          Handles packets that arrive at one of the router's input interfaces.

Uses of VNSPacket in net.clackrouter.topology.core

Methods in net.clackrouter.topology.core with parameters of type VNSPacket
 boolean TopologyModel.attemptLocalTransmit(java.lang.String routerName, TopologyModel.Link activeLink, VNSPacket packet)